Paola Vezelaj


Q: What type of music are you into lately?

A: My playlist starts from Beethoven ending to Eminem. A little mixed but just like me 😊

Q: What excites you about HCM?

A: The work experience that I am gaining is what excites me the most.

Every day at work is another chance to shine, another opportunity to build something that will benefit my professional life in the future. The whole team helps me maintain a positive attitude even on the most challenging days

Introvert or Extrovert, it doesn't matter, HCM makes me feel comfortable, and that's the key. We facilitate friendship through team-building activities and after-work events. I simply love working at HCM.

Q: What is your favorite cocktail?

A: I think cocktails are way too fancy for me, give me some beers, let me watch my favorite team play and you just fixed my day.