Nerjola Halilaj


Q: What are your hobbies/passions outside of work?

A: One of my main goals is taking care of my mind and body and falling in love with every activity that helps perfect it. Walking alongside the lake, reading a book (psychological ones) or volleyball sessions with friends are my go-to activities these days.

Q: What inspires you?

A: Often, I feel like the little things inspire me more. However, there are some reasons that encourage me further, such as reaching my goals. I love the feeling of achievement when I have worked towards an important goal. I also find inspiration in nature, seeing how nature survives no matter what circumstances it is given. It is strong, yet gentle.

But mostly, the internal wish to grow beyond what you are. Wanting to grow is admitting that you know you are not perfect, but you are willing to work on those imperfections and become your best self and for me this is important.

Q: What is your favorite quote?

A: The more you know yourself, the more patience you have for what you see in others.